JACKS POWERPLY Multi-Ply Fabric Conveyor Belt


Jacks Industries Conveyor Belt
JACKS POWERPLY Multi-Ply Fabric Conveyor Belt is an all synthetic multiply construction available in a very wide range of strengths and number of plies, utilising a polyester fibre for warp and a polyamide fibre for weft.

Features & Benefits:

  • The low-elongation polyester fibres are used in the warp direction to reduce the length of the tension travels;
  • The more elastic polyamide fibres are used in the weft, to ensure good troughing;
  • Exceptional fatigue and impact resistance;

JACKS POWERPLY Multi-Ply Fabric Conveyor Belt can be offered with a wide range of rubber covers to suit a diverse range of applications from extreme abrasion, cutting and gouging to light duty conveying of non-abrasive materials.

Specifications - Main Technical Data
Jacks Industries Conveyor Belt


Jacks Industries Conveyor Belt
JACKS POWERCORD Steel Cord Conveyor Belt is developed by incorporating the most current technology with years of refinement to attain this technological precision. Every belt is designed to provide maximum performance and maximum life.

Features & Benefits:

  • Steel cord construction embedded with high performance rubber
  • The bonder rubber in the core is formulated to penetrate deep into the cords providing high cohesive and adhesive bond for long lasting protection and extreme join efficiency.
  • Combination of ultimate carcass breaking strength and lowest elongation

JACKS POWERCORD Steel Cord Conveyor Belt can be offered with a variety of rubber covers to suit different applications from extreme abrasion, cutting and gouging to less arduous conveying of non-abrasive materials.

Specifications - Main Technical Data
Jacks Industries Conveyor Belt
General Use

Weartec Wear Resistant Conveyor Belt

JACKS WEARTEC Wear Resistant Conveyor Belt menawarkan kebutuhan rapat dan keausan penutup yang optimal untuk setiap jenis bahan. Kombinasi kekuatan tarik, ketahanan abrasi dan elastisitas penutup sabuk konveyor dipilih untuk disesuaikan dengan berbagai aplikasi dalam  berbagai jenis penutup.
Jacks Industries Conveyor Belt
Special Use

Heattec Heat Resistant Conveyor Belt

JACKS HEATTEC Heat Resistant Conveyor Belt dirancang khusus untuk menyampaikan bahan suhu tinggi, memiliki ketahanan panas yang sangat baik, dan dapat mempertahankan ketahanan penuaan di bawah lingkungan yang paling parah. Kami telah mengembangkan 3 jenis penutup sabuk yang sesuai dengan berbagai kondisi suhu pengoperasian untuk mengoptimalkan kebutuhan panas dengan abrasi optimal dan sifat tarik.

Flametec Flame Retardant Conveyor Belt

JACKS FLAMETEC Flame Retardant Conveyor belt memiliki penutup karet yang memberikan ketahanan sobek, luka, benturan dan abrasi yang baik dan juga tahan api. Ini paling cocok di lingkungan dengan bahaya kebakaran – Penyalaan sendiri baik dari bahan yang dibawa atau sabuk konveyor itu sendiri.

Oiltec Oil Resistant Conveyor Belt

JACKS OILTEC Oil Resistant Conveyor Belt memberikan ketahanan sobek, luka dan abrasi yang baik dan juga tahan terhadap pembengkakan ketika disebabkan oleh penyerapan minyak dan lemak.
Jacks Industries Conveyor Belt
Product Offering
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